WeatherMakers Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Edmonton’

Our Deep Ductless Guide for Homeowners

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Ductless systems–you’ve seen them, heard about them, and your search history is probably full of links about them. These nifty pieces of equipment are cool enough to get any homeowner’s ears to perk up when they’re mentioned, but are they worth the hefty price tag?

The short answer is yes, ductless systems are just as good as they sound. But in order to understand why a ductless heat pump in Edmonton, AB is a sensible purchase, we need to talk about how they work and some of their advantages. They’re not the cheapest systems on the market, but they’re well worth their price and can transform a home into a 21st-century sanctuary if installed by a licensed professional.

Keep reading to learn about why your next large purchase should be a ductless heat pump.

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Join the Comfort Club: The Unique Benefits of Springtime Maintenance

Monday, April 8th, 2024

If we were to ask you what you thought about maintenance, what would you say? Here are a few familiar responses we’ve seen:

I can just do my own maintenance. I don’t need to belong to a club.

Isn’t maintenance optional? It seems like an extra thing that we just don’t need.

Maintenance is only for certain HVAC systems. My air conditioner doesn’t need it.

These are all common reasons for people to skip out on maintenance, and while we understand the various sentiments, the data proves something else. AC maintenance in Edmonton, AB is a vital service that is not as optional as people think, and we’d like to cover some of the best benefits that come from investing in such a service.

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How a Humidifier and Heating System Can Work Together

Monday, March 25th, 2024

There’s a misconception going around that your heating system is the only thing that can help keep your home comfortable when temperatures suddenly drop. While this might sound like it’s true, there’s another system out there that can do an impressive job of keeping your home comfortable, healthy, and happy.

With such an unpredictable spring, we’re still expecting some frigid days ahead, so you’ll want to make sure your heating system is doing the best job it can. And that’s why we’d like to talk about how you can make a difference by coupling your furnace with a humidifier in Edmonton, AB.

That’s right! Humidifiers aren’t just for sleeping better and staying safe when an illness is going around. They’re actually incredibly good at easing the burden on your heating unit and allowing your home to stay more comfortable for longer. Let’s get into it down below.

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